Saturday, January 3, 2009

* My 1st day @ the GYM

On new year eve my wife told me that i have put on weight and suggested I should think of reducing it. Thats when i noticed i have developed an Apple Belly fat deposit. (good she didnt notice my tummy on Christmas or i would have felt i looked like a Santa). So, i decided to join a Gym and that moment i started my search for a good instructor who could help me reduce my weight & my tummy by natural ways (as I hate to eat Fat Burn pills and get rid of these deposit the artificial way which could be seriously dangerous to health). So, at last i found a neat Gym with all the latest equipments near my home with a good instructor (he looked like a HUNK) who gave me so many ideas on how he could help me reduce.....i should say i was impressed.

Today morning was my 1st day @ the Gym. My class starts at 5am and it was freezing cold outside (maybe even below zero deg C). I made a big mistake by walking my way to the Gym which is 20 mins walk......instead of warm up I ended freezing up.

Before i start with my workouts, my instructor took a pic of my body without my shirt.He said he would show me the improvement/difference within a span of 3 months.

I started my day with a 20mins of Threadmill, 15 mins Cycling, 10 x 2 sets of push-ups & 20 x 3 sets of sit ups. By then I was pale and breathing heavily. My whole body was shivering and i felt dizzy. My instructor said its normal for any bigginers and he was expecting me to vomit (which i didnt luckily).....I lay there on the mat in the rest room for another 10 to 15 mins and then washed my face and begged him to let me go. I knew he wasnt happy with my request but finally agreed to me.

My throat was dry and i felt as though i swollowed my tongue, i ran into the nearest bakala and drank a bottle of water in a gulp. i was trembling while i walked home....i felt i would collapse or maybe black out......even now when i'm writing on my blog, i can feel how tired i am as though i havent slept for whole body is aching as though i was beaten all over........

Ow God, i have to follow a strict diet and reduce the amount of calorie intake. If i skip a class, my instructor has warned to cancel my membership (maybe he knew how i felt today).


In all my life, this is the first day i did some kinda exercise. i'm not crazy for muscles but i need a flat tummy. Due to the muscle cramps, everyone at my office asked me why i walked funny.

I wish my wife reads this post, becz i'm doing these work outs for her

1 comment:

ash said...

its for our sake .....sure after 1 month u feel better kanna it properly.....lov u .......